Generalised Anxiety Order Treatment

Catalyst Therapy & Training centre has a good level of experience helping people who suffer from generalised anxiety disorder. We understand how difficult it is to feel high levels of anxiety constantly and how it can negatively affect your daily life, but the good news is that this can be changed.

Catalyst Therapy takes great pride in our ability to help people with generalised anxiety disorder, just like you. You can be safe in the knowledge that all our experienced therapists are fully qualified and have extensive experience as mental health practitioners and educators.

The symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder


Whilst generalised anxiety disorder affects everyone differently, there are still general symptoms which may indicate you may be suffering from it:

Psychological symptoms:

• A sense of dread
• Restlessness
• Irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• A constant feeling of ‘being on edge’

Physical symptoms:

• Tiredness
• Dizziness
• Heart palpitations
• Trembling or shaking
• Muscle aches or muscle tension
• Excessive sweating
• Dry mouth
• Stomach ache
• Shortness of breathe
• Pins and needles
• Headaches
• Insomnia

It’s very possible that you won’t experience every symptom on this list, but if you feel that you may be suffering from generalised anxiety disorder and the above symptoms, you should find help.

The causes of generalised anxiety disorder

The precise cause of generalised anxiety disorder isn’t understood, although it’s thought a combination of different factors can trigger it. Whilst some people develop generalised anxiety disorder for no known reason, research suggests there are some associated reasons with it:

• Genes- research suggests people are 5 times more likely to develop generalised anxiety disorder if a close relative has the condition.
• An overactive area of the brain responsible for behaviour and emotion.
• A chemical imbalance of serotonin and noradrenaline, chemicals responsible for the regulation of mood.
• A history of alcohol or drug misuse.
• Past traumatic or stressful events such as bullying, domestic violence or child abuse.
• A long-term, painful health condition, such as arthritis.

Catalyst Therapy will help you to move past the causes of your generalised anxiety disorder, and help you to overcome your symptoms. Don’t let your family ties, relationships and career suffer any more.

To improve your anxiety, call us on 01708 781 927.